Quote #629: Balder V: .. en MKV staat voor motherfucking kut vormaat. Jaron V: Waarom spel je formaat met een V? Balder V: Waarom spel jij het met een F?! | Gequote door: Carina v Rating: 1.2 / 5 | Jaron V | Balder V |
Quote #673: Balder V: It's very easy to defeat the British in a war. Just attack during teatime and first send them a 300 page document they have to agree to before they start fighting. Some would call this a war crime, but if they don't fight back, is it really a war? Jaron V: And if it's the British, is it really a crime? | Gequote door: Carina v Rating: 1.4 / 5 | Balder V | Jaron V |