
Chris S

Professor of Geology at the University of Utrecht.

Chris S is niet in een groep ingedeeld.

Chris S heeft de volgende quotes op zijn/haar geweten:

Quote #469:
Chris S: Du vin, du pain, du boudin, or what was that again?

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.2 / 5

Quote #470:
Chris S: If you do this on a space station, you get a perfect result. But it's a lot easier to do it here on earth on a plastic sheet.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.1 / 5

Quote #471:
Chris S: So from this, you expect them to pop out all over the place, but the truth is ... euh ... they do.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.1 / 5

Quote #472:
Chris S: So basically, we are going to define a function, then derive it, and finally figure out what the function is.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.1 / 5

Quote #473:
Chris S: And all those freaks that do metamorphic petrology .. oh, wait.. Sorry.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.2 / 5

Quote #474:
Chris S: If you're really into this; you know, the perverts among you, you can join people like me.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.1 / 5

Quote #475:
Chris S: And with this salt you can do all kind of things. Even give it a little lick, you know, like a close friend.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.2 / 5

Quote #476:
Chris S: Otherwise you will, pardon my French, fuck up.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.2 / 5

Quote #480:
Chris S: Bas, you look pregnant with an answer.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.1 / 5

Quote #481:
Chris S: So what's very important to realise is, no wait, fuck it, let's get a cup of coffee.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.1 / 5

Quote #482:
Chris S: Defined in terms of I don't know anymore.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.2 / 5

Quote #483:
Chris S: I can see a couple of you approaching terminal boredom.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.2 / 5

Quote #484:
Chris S: And I forgot my piece of rubber today to shoot pieces of chalk around the class.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.2 / 5

Quote #485:
Chris S: It's kind of dark, hot and generally horrible in here.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.1 / 5

Quote #486:
Chris S: So this is reality. Welcome.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.1 / 5

Quote #488:
Chris S: You can try that out at home. If you don't have a balloon, just use a condom. And if you don't have a condom, you should get one. Now, if you squeeze it .. the balloon, of course...

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.1 / 5

Quote #489:
Chris S: I usually call it big fat and ugly, but it could also be small, skinny and highly charged.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.2 / 5

Quote #490:
Chris S: I don't mind you falling asleep during my class, as long as you don't mind being shouted awake by me when you do.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.1 / 5

Quote #491:
Chris S: I remember a time when we had to get some samples from a quarry in Germany. So my AIO wrote an email in German, and it was actually perfect German. So I sent him a reply, saying: "Fantastisch, i didn't know that you had relatives with a mustache and a funny walk, named Adolf." I ran into him in the hall, and he told me I made a mistake. I accidentally hit Reply All.
Safe to say we didn't hear back from the quarry.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.2 / 5

Quote #492:
Chris S: You might have noticed I don't quite care about political correctness very much.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.1 / 5

Quote #493:
Chris S: Never been there? Right, we're going to the sixth dimension then, today.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.2 / 5

Quote #494:
Chris S: Mode 1 crack is an opening crack, where all material displacement is perpendicular to the crack axis. This is what you get when you drive an axe into someone's head.

Gequote door:
Martijn K

Rating: 1.2 / 5

Kom je een quote tegen die uit een boek of film komt, of door iemand anders gezegt was dan dat er staat? Neem dan even contact op met mij (Jaron AKA Thulinma). Zie ook de link naar mijn website hieronder voor contactinformatie.
Disclaimer: Al deze quotes zijn uit hun oorsprongkelijke context gehaald, de mensen die geciteerd zijn bedoelden dus waarschijnlijk niet wat opgeschreven staat. Dat maakt het grappig, maar zegt dus verder niets over de personen in kwestie.
Sta je vermeld in Quotopia, maar wil je die eer liever niet? Dan wil ik graag eerst even opmerken dat achternamen niet in zoekmachines vindbaar zijn. Bijvoorbeeld de naam "Jan Klaassen" is alleen in zoekmachines opgeslagen als "Jan K." - je hoeft je dus geen zorgen te maken dat mensen die je naam Googlen je rare uitspraken tegenkomen. Wil je ECHT niet in Quotopia zijn opgenomen, laat het dan even weten aan mij (nogmaals, hieronder staat een link contactinformatie).

  Created by Thulinma